Visual Aid Volunteers of Florida, Inc.

“Dedication Makes the Difference”

Changing EBAE into UEB with Braille2000

Lynnette Taylor

Sometimes a client asks for a book to be brailled that has already been transcribed in English Braille American Edition. If the file is available, it is fairly simple to switch it to UEB in Braille2000. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Open the file in Braille2000, version 2
  2. Right click on Code: #1 (EBAE, Con, mod)
  3. Click on Change
  4. Select ICEB
  5. Change the Braille Code to English
  6. Change options to Contracted if necessary
  7. Right click on Cursor location
    1. Click on All of file
  8. Click on OK in the Confirm region for code change

In the Choice of Braille Code (Language) Regenerate Braille should have a dot in the circle. If not, click on Regenerate Braille.

Sometimes, for the translator line to work, you need to do the process again and select Regenerate Print.

Next, proofread your file for braille and for formatting. Changing to UEB usually makes the file a little longer so proof carefully for orphan headings on line 25 or places where the original file might have manually separated compound-hyphenated word and words connected by a dash to make sure that there is not extra space at the end of a line. If the original file is very old the title page may need to be redone and the chapters moved to a new braille page.

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